Hines Private Wealth Solutions Successfully Closes Two Multifamily Private Offerings

September 23, 2024

(HOUS­TON) – Hines, the glob­al real estate invest­ment man­ag­er, today announced the suc­cess­ful clo­sure of two pri­vate offer­ings through Hines Pri­vate Wealth Solu­tions, designed specif­i­cal­ly for pri­vate wealth investors. This achieve­ment under­scores Hines’ stead­fast com­mit­ment to the Liv­ing sec­tor, with a par­tic­u­lar focus on mul­ti­fam­i­ly properties.

Hines has demon­strat­ed its excep­tion­al exper­tise in today’s mar­ket envi­ron­ment and this mile­stone reflects the firm’s strate­gic vision and abil­i­ty to nav­i­gate com­plex eco­nom­ic land­scapes, fur­ther solid­i­fy­ing its posi­tion as a trust­ed leader in the real estate invest­ment industry.

Hines closed Hines Ann Arbor Mul­ti­fam­i­ly LLC, a pri­vate place­ment offer­ing for a mul­ti­fam­i­ly devel­op­ment project in Ann Arbor, Michi­gan, and an offer­ing of inter­ests in HREX Mul­ti­fam­i­ly II, DST, a Delaware Statu­to­ry Trust (“DST”). The DST owns The Emer­son, a lux­u­ry apart­ment com­plex in Cen­tre­ville, Virginia.

We have con­vic­tion in the mul­ti­fam­i­ly sec­tor, par­tic­u­lar­ly in strate­gic US mar­kets, and were pleased to pro­vide these two diverse invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties to the pri­vate wealth chan­nel,” said Alfon­so Munk, CIO-Amer­i­c­as at Hines. These two offer­ings demon­strate how Hines Pri­vate Wealth Solu­tions has pro­vid­ed a strong match for the diverse needs of indi­vid­ual investors,” added Paul Fer­raro, glob­al head of Hines Pri­vate Wealth Solutions.

Hines Ann Arbor Mul­ti­fam­i­ly LLC allowed investors to make direct invest­ments along­side Hines and Simon Prop­er­ty Group, two of the world’s lead­ing insti­tu­tion­al real estate firms, in the Ann Arbor project, which aims to com­plete a four-sto­ry, 370-unit Class A mul­ti­fam­i­ly devel­op­ment with pre­mier ameni­ties by late sum­mer 2026.

HREX Mul­ti­fam­i­ly II, DST gave qual­i­fied investors the abil­i­ty to com­plete a like-kind exchange of prop­er­ty under Inter­nal Rev­enue Code Sec­tion 1031. The offer­ing pre­sent­ed a com­pelling solu­tion to aid in the defer­ment of cap­i­tal gains and oth­er tax­es while pro­vid­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to diver­si­fy real estate hold­ings through the own­er­ship of an insti­tu­tion­al-qual­i­ty asset. The Emer­son, a 355-unit Class A prop­er­ty, is 96% leased as of June 30, 2024. This asset was sourced by Hines Glob­al Income Trust, Inc. (“Hines Glob­al Income Trust” or HGIT”), which has a $4.26B port­fo­lio as of August 31, 2024, diver­si­fied by geog­ra­phy and prop­er­ty type with a focus on dynam­ic sec­tors and mar­kets. HREX Mul­ti­fam­i­ly II, DST is a sub­sidiary of HGIT.

As of June 30, 2024, the pri­vate wealth plat­form has raised over $11 bil­lion through an array of offer­ings, includ­ing non-trad­ed real estate invest­ment trusts, pri­vate place­ments, and tax-deferred exchanges. For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about Hines Pri­vate Wealth Solu­tions LLC, vis­it hine​spri​vatewealth​.com.

About Hines Glob­al Income Trust

HGIT is a pub­lic, non-list­ed real estate invest­ment trust spon­sored by Hines. It com­menced oper­a­tions in 2014 and invests in com­mer­cial real estate invest­ments locat­ed in the Unit­ed States and inter­na­tion­al­ly. For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about HGIT, vis­it www​.hines​glob​al​in​cometrust​.com.

About Hines

Hines is a lead­ing glob­al real estate invest­ment man­ag­er. We own and oper­ate $93.0 bil­lion1 of assets across prop­er­ty types and on behalf of a diverse group of insti­tu­tion­al and pri­vate wealth clients. Every day, our 5,000 employ­ees in 31 coun­tries draw on our 67-year his­to­ry to build the world for­ward by invest­ing in, devel­op­ing, and man­ag­ing some of the world’s best real estate. To learn more, vis­it www​.hines​.com and fol­low @Hines on social media.

¹In­cludes both the glob­al Hines orga­ni­za­tion and RIA AUM as of June 302024.

Any ESG or impact com­mit­ments made by Hines are not being pro­mot­ed and do not bind any invest­ment deci­sions made in respect of, or the stew­ard­ship of, HGIT. Any mea­sures imple­ment­ed in respect of such ESG or impact com­mit­ments may not be imme­di­ate­ly applic­a­ble to HGIT’s invest­ments and any imple­men­ta­tion can be over­rid­den or ignored at HGIT’s sole discretion.

No Offer of Securities

This press release shall not be deemed an offer to sell, or a solic­i­ta­tion of an offer to pur­chase, any secu­ri­ties. The offer­ings described here­in have closed.

Press Contacts
Christine L. Delucchi

Global Head
Marketing & Communications, Hines
713 966 4304

Jamie Letica

Senior Director, Investor Public Relations
Marketing & Communications, Hines
646 303 4280