
Hines Global Income Trust Tax Information

E‑Delivery of Your Tax Forms

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Hines Global Income Trust, Inc. | Historical Forms 1099-DIV

This sched­ule is being pro­vid­ed as a cour­tesy to make avail­able his­tor­i­cal tax report­ing infor­ma­tion. Share­hold­ers should con­sult their Forms 1099-DIV as pro­vid­ed pre­vi­ous­ly for each year for dol­lar amounts, and share­hold­ers should con­tact their tax advisors.

We expect that the 2024 Tax Year forms (1099-DIV and 1099‑B) will be issued in late Jan­u­ary and are expect­ed to mail mid-Feb­ru­ary. Share­hold­ers should receive in com­ing weeks. Once issued, share­hold­ers may also log into their accounts to view their 2024 tax information.

Share­hold­ers will receive Cost Basis infor­ma­tion on Form 1099‑B
As part of the Emer­gency Eco­nom­ic Sta­bi­liza­tion Act of 2008, the Secu­ri­ties Indus­try is required to report cost basis infor­ma­tion on shares acquired (pur­chased and rein­vest­ed) after Jan­u­ary 1, 2011 to the IRS on tax form 1099‑B when a share­hold­er sells (redeems) their shares.

Title Date Download Link
Information Based on Historical Forms 1099-DIV 01/27/2025 Download xlsx